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- What is Red Ginseng?
What is Red Ginseng?
- Red ginseng refers to the ginseng whose water content has been reduced to 14% after processes of steaming, drying, etc following vapor-steaming mainly 5 or 6-year old fresh ginseng. Red ginseng is reddish brown because the browning reaction is accelerated during its manufacturing process. Because the red ginseng is processed in the very solid form, it has the advantages that its form can be maintained for long term and easy to store.
The red ginseng, according to quality standard, is classified as whole red ginseng (sky grade-, earth grade- and good grade ginseng), root red ginseng (big fine root ginseng, mid fine root ginseng and tidy fine root ginseng) and cut red ginseng.
- 2115, Sobaek-ro, Punggi-eup, Yeong ju city
- Gyeong sang buk do. KOREA
- Trade official - Kang Jin Sun
- Tel : +82-54-637-3724 or +82-10-4799-3725
- Fax : +82-54-637-3721
- Email : kangciya@gmail.com, lexy2k@hanmail.net
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